Wednesday, October 27, 2004

New Project

Hey there.
My name is Jacob Carson. And this is my new blog dedicated to gay politics in Minnesota. My other blog is Minnesota Liberal. It focuses on politics in general.

With recent events in our state- such as the recent attempts to pass a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and civil unions or Arlon Lindner's attempt to remove homosexuality from our state's civil rights laws- it has become increasingly important to have resources available to discuss these issues.

Outfront Minnesota and Lavendar Magazine are great local resources, but they do not provide the timely interactive news and commentary that I would desire.

I don't intend this to be just some "gay" website though. I would hope that what is being discussed is of importance to anyone that appreciates a progressive political voice.

I am quite a liberal political partisan myself (Democrat), but I really encourage Log Cabin Republicans to join in as well. I will be posting stories in support of gay rights... reguardless of the political affilliation.

I try not to think of myself as a one-issue voter... because there are so many issues I feel strongly about. But I have to admit that I would likely vote for a conservative that strongly supports gay rights before I would vote for a Democrat that is in opposition to same sex equality (not guarenteed, but very likely).

And I think that because this issue is so important to me... I need to put efforts into helping keep our community informed.

I hope that you will participate by leaving comments. Your voice is just as important as mine.